
An Online Writing Workshop with Francesca Jimenez
Tuesdays in November 5,12,19,26
6:00-7:30pm Pacific Time
Registration: $120 or $110 for Fishtrappers

Is the registration fee an obstacle for you to attend this workshop? Fishtrap offers a limited number of scholarships to help with the cost. Contact Program Director Mike Midlo for more information. mike@fishtrap.org

Writing from multiple points of view or POVs can allow you to better understand your characters, their relationships, and their setting. We will look at excerpts from the novel When I Sing, Mountains Dance by Irene Solà and other examples of multi-POV narratives to show how they create an interconnected narrative. Through generative exercises and sharing work with each other, we’ll explore how multiple POVs can describe intergenerational and familial expectations, characters’ relationships with one another, and the nature and environment of their world. This month-long workshop will help give you new perspectives for your characters and depth to your stories.

Francesca Jimenez is an essayist and fiction writer based in Los Angeles, born and raised in the city’s northeastern suburbs of San Gabriel Valley. She has an MFA in Fiction from the University of California, Riverside Palm Desert Low-Residency Program. Francesca was a 2023 Summer Fishtrap Fellow. Her work explores belonging and rejection through a lens of collective and intergenerational stories. She is also a rock climber, hiker, classically trained violist, and lover of live music. Learn more: francescajimenez.com