
An online creative writing workshop with Amanda Knopf Rauhauser
Wednesdays October 16, 23, 30 & November 6
6:00-7:30pm Pacific Time
Registration: $120 or $110 for Fishtrappers

Is the registration fee an obstacle for you to attend this workshop? Fishtrap offers a limited number of scholarships to help with the cost. Contact Program Director Mike Midlo for more information. mike@fishtrap.org

Autofiction, or autobiographical fiction, is a genre in which the boundaries between “truth” and “fiction” are blurred, as are the lines between author and character. In this workshop, participants will explore the limits of labels, the literary possibilities that arise when they are challenged, and the ways in which crafting truth through fiction can lead to deeper meaning. We will read and discuss excerpts of memoir, fiction, autofiction novels, and essays. This generative workshop will also invite writers into the practice of crafting personal narratives that incorporate elements of fiction, encouraging creative and emotional freedom and generating openings into more complex, more real stories. You’ll receive a variety of writing and revision prompts throughout the month and are encouraged to share your written work with the group during the final workshop session.

Amanda Knopf Rauhauser grew up in Colorado and has never stopped looking toward the mountains. She earned an MA in English from the University of Colorado, Boulder, where she wrote about the American West, and currently lives in Oregon, teaching college writing at Chemeketa Community College, Willamette University, and for the University of Oregon’s Prison Education Program. Her work has been published in Mountain Bluebird Magazine, Fishtrap’s Circle of Seasons zine, Oregon Humanities, HerStry, Ranchlands Review, Hyacinth Review, and elsewhere. Follow her on Instagram @a_writing_rauhauser.