The Ghost Story: A Guide to Writing Compelling Prose – SOLD OUT (Join the waitlist)
Ghost stories are told around campfires and whispered on dark nights when a noise or knock disrupts our quiet. On those nights, we believe, in brief shuddering moments, that the impossible is possible. In a way all writing is a little spooky. As writers we must create a believable immersive world. We must create imaginary scenarios where readers suspend their disbelief. In this generative workshop we will put into practice the fundamental elements of ghost and monster stories that hook readers. You will learn how these elements enliven any story. Be prepared to share an uncanny story, a spooky hometown legend, or a particular time when something strange occurred. We will use the grist of ghost stories to write convincing prose and realism. Bring a sense of humor and an old fashioned notebook to scribble your ideas. Come with the notion that writing is fun.
Debra Magpie Earling is the author of Perma Red and The Lost Journals of Sacajewea. She is the Director of the Creative Writing Program at the University of Montana. She has won numerous awards for her work including an American Book Award and Guggenheim Fellowship.