Fishtrap Story Lab
A Mobile Lab Connecting the Ancient Art of Storytelling with Today’s Technology
Fishtrap Story Lab inspires youth throughout Wallowa County to share their stories creatively, confidently, and playfully. We explore dynamic writing styles to offer students a variety of ways to express themselves such as poetry, narrative, songwriting, storytelling, and digital stories.
In addition to pen on paper instruction, the program also provides students with a host of multimedia tools—from video and animation equipment to music production software and beyond—to hone their skills as writers and producers. Story Lab emboldens students to explore themselves and the places they inhabit, encouraging personal growth and thoughtful participation in community conversation. The result is a generative program as rich and lively as Wallowa County itself.
See the magic of Story Lab at work on our YouTube channel.

Fishtrap Story Lab primarily serves K-12th students in Wallowa, Enterprise, and Joseph school districts, but occasionally dons wheels and rolls out to other settings, including the Summer Fishtrap Gathering at Wallowa Lake.
We aim to collaborate with classroom teachers and community partners to provide instruction to parallel the efforts to help students achieve their educational goals. Fishtrap serves youth county-wide, using its mobile lab to enrich students’ lives with opportunities to think, write, and share stories about things that matter to them.
To schedule a visit in your classroom, please visit our contact page.