Letting the Poem Be Found, Letting Us Be the Poem Too – SOLD OUT (Join the Waitlist)
Poems are happening all around us, all of the time. As Naomi Shihab Nye says, “You are living in a poem.” We we are not so much as tasked with finding the poem and writing the poem down, but are invited to bear witness to the poems, and to be in participation with their happening. Even if the poem does not ever transform itself into a thing of language put down on paper, it remains a thing put down on to our essence. This has happened all our lives, and all the lives around us and before, and will continue on. Can we invite ourselves to a greater observation of the ways in which the surrounding world is giving poems to us, no matter how large or small they may be? Hopefully this week together will aid that.
Anis Mojgani is the current Poet Laureate of Oregon. A two-time individual champion of the National Poetry Slam and winner of the International World Cup Poetry Slam, Anis has done commissions for the Getty Museum, the Peabody Essex Museum, the Oregon Parks Department, and the Portland Timbers. His work has appeared on HBO, National Public Radio, in the pages of the NYTimes, and in such journals as Rattle, Platypus, Winter Tangerine, Forklift Ohio, and Bat City Review. The author of five books of poetry and the libretto for the opera Sanctuaries, his first children’s book is forthcoming from Holiday House/Neal Porter Books, and his latest poetry collection comes out in 2023, The Tigers, They Let Me. Originally from New Orleans, Anis currently lives in Portland Oregon.
Learn more: thepianofarm.com