
Here’s a look at this year’s schedule — subject to change. 

A NOTE FOR YOUTH PARTICIPANTS: Youth Workshop schedules will vary a bit from the schedule below. In addition to the regular workshop times, there will be youth writing activities Tuesday-Thursday from 1-3:15, with a final Showcase scheduled Friday at 1:30pm. There will not be a writing workshop Saturday morning. 

Monday, July 8
4:30pmWelcome & Workshop Orientation
5:00Intro Workshop
7:30pmOpening Address: Luis Alberto Urrea
Tuesday, July 9 - Friday, July 12
9:00am-NoonWriting Workshops
1:30-3:00pmPresentations & Panel Discussions
Tuesday - Scott Russell Sanders: Stories as Containers
Wednesday - Kim Stafford: Steering Your Craft
Thursday - Laura Pritchett on Publishing
Friday - Youth Showcase
3:00-4:00pmTuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - Wallowa Lake State Park youth writing activities - Amphitheater
Friday - Yearlong Writers Workshop Reading
Saturday - Fellows Reading
4:00-5:00pmOpen Mic Café
7:30-9:00pmFaculty Readings/Fri: Keynote
Tuesday - Sharma Shields, Beth Piatote, Scott Russell Sanders
Wednesday - MOsley WOtta, Perrin Kerns, Kim Stafford
Thursday - Laura Pritchett, Anis Mojgani, Gary Ferguson
Friday - Keynote: Molly Gloss, Reading: Jamie Ford
9:00pmBook Signings
Saturday, July 13
9:00am-NoonFinal Writing Workshop
1:00-3:00pm Plein Air Painting and Digital Storytelling with Perrin Kerns, Cam Scott, and The Josephy Center for Arts and Culture’s Dawn Norman
4:00-5:00pmOpen Mic Café
7:30-9:00pmFishtrap Live
Screening of The Worlds of Ursula
Panel Discussion: Dreams and Tales: Remembering Ursula with Molly Gloss, Luis Alberto Urrea, Scott Russell Sanders
9:00pmBook Signings
Sunday, July 14
9:00amClosing Address
11:00 AMFarewell
2019 Summer Fishtrap Weekend Gathering[Click here for detailed weekend schedule]