
Wednesdays, March 9,16,23,30
Writing Workshop: Ephemeral Moments that Endure
An Online Micro Essay Workshop with E.M. (Lizzie) Sloan
Live online 6:00-7:30pm
Registration $180 ($160 for Fishtrappers)

The House on Mango Street is written in a series of short chapters or vignettes. In that spirit, this workshop will play with isolated scenes that you find are buried deep in the recesses of your mind, your heart, your soul. Dig into the hollows and bring to light those hidden flickers of memory/experience. We will dip into the popular topic of nostalgia by enlivening our senses through writing prompts of ephemeral moments.  Whether you are rib-deep in a work in progress, or ready to start up again, or just want to have fun writing without a monumental goal hanging over you, this workshop should help keep your ideas flowing and ink dripping. Dig, dip, and drip. Let’s go!
